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Useful Links

Please find below some links to other services within Islington which you may find useful.

Islington Family Information Service (FIS) gives free, impartial information, advice and guidance about services for children, young people and families.

Islington Children's Centres  Islington currently have 16 children's centres which offer a range of activities for children and their families. Many services on offer across the borough are free of charge. Unfortunately we can't meet the needs of every family in what we offer but hopefully if you are unable to find what you are looking for on a particular day with us then you may find it on offer a another Centre.

Bright Start Islington runs services for under fives and their families in children’s centres, nurseries, health centres, community centres and libraries across Islington. They support families from pregnancy to a child’s fifth birthday.

Finding and choosing childcare provides information on all childcare in Islington

Islington Primary Care Trust  provides you with information on what is happening within the NHS in Islington and highlights all of their latest news and tweets. If you are looking for a local NHS service such as GP or dentist then there is a tool to enable you to find the most local to you.